Account Settings
The Account Settings pages allows you to customize your profile information and settings. This section walks through the steps of updating your profile information, and Step 4 briefly describes the four advanced functions. The advanced settings will have additional help sections.
Begin by clicking the Gear Icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
This will redirect you to a page similar to the the one below.
To update your profile settings, enter your relevant information into the appropriate box. Anything marked with a red R is required information.
Note: To change your First Name, Email Address, or Login Id, please contact our support team at
Once you've finished updating your profile information, click the yellow Save button.
Note: You can click the yellow Cancel button or the Home icon to be redirected back to the home page at any time, whether you have saved or not.
Once you have updated your profile, there are four advanced functions you can use: Email Settings, Change Password, Security Questionnaire, and Pay for my Account/Renew my Payment.
Email Settings (Default Tab)
This tab allows you to select which Auto-Emails the site will send to you when the appropriate event occurs.
Change Password and Security Questionnaire
These two tabs allow you set your Password & Recovery information.
Pay for my Account/Renew my Payment
If you are both a Clinical Coordinator and Clinical Instructor, this button allows you to handle your Instructor Payment.
Note: This release of the help page does not include information on this topic.
You can click on one of the two buttons below to be taken directly to that item's help section, or click the "Next Page" button to go through each in order.