Advanced Tools
This section covers some basic details about the Advanced Tools menus in mCE and a brief summary of the items found in each. This release of the Help File does not include additional information on the Administration Menu and Reports Menu.
These three tools are the Rotation Menu, the Administration Menu, and the Reports Menu.
Of the three tools, the Rotation Menu is the one that most Coordinators will use most often. With only one dropdown item, this is the simplest Advanced Tool and is useful for tracking rotation details.
Rotation Manager - This page is used to review student compliance progress and information. It can be used to view all participants in a single rotation, view multiple rotations simultaneously, track current/upcoming rotations, and more.
Note: More information on this tool can be found under the Rotation Workflows section of the help pages.
The Administration Menu houses links to each of the major administrative items for your institution's setup. Changes made under this menu can broadly effect your institution's setup, with many of them ranging from program-level to institution-level changes. If you have not been trained on the particular Administration Menu item you want to use, it is strongly recommended that you contact the mCE support team for assistance.
Note: Your setup may not have all of the menu options listed below.
Checklists - This page allows you to view your institution's program checklists. You can create/inactivate checklists, add/remove compliance items, set descriptions, and edit student access settings.
Course Catalog - This page allows you to view, edit, add, and remove student courses. Surveys/Assessments can be assigned to students and instructors in the course from this page.
Pending Checklist - This page allows you to review what compliance items students are missing. Results will display all students who fall within the set parameters, and can be organized by student or by compliance item.
Rubrics Director - This page displays your current surveys and assessments. You can also search for, create, delete, and edit rubrics from this page.
Consortium Calendar - If your school uses the slot-based system, you can access this page to check what slots you have requested from the Hospital. You will also see any slot requests from other Universities that conflict with your own so that you know who you will have to speak with regarding releasing slots.
The Reports Menu houses links for various reports that you may wish to pull for your records. The different records under this section can be exported to an Excel file to be saved to your computer or printed for physical copies.
Assessment Rating - If your University requests Preceptor/Instructor assessments, this report can be used to view the ratings and comments they have left about rotations and/or students.
Attendance - This report will pull the total attendance hours that have been marked for student(s) and the number of students who have completed those total hours.
Clinical Contracts - Use this tool to see which Hospitals you are affiliated with and the date that the contract expires (if applicable).
Clinical Rotations - This report will ONLY pull approved Rotations.  You can pull approved Rotations for selected/all Hospitals, rotations at selected/all Facilities, approved rotations by Program, and approved rotations within a specific time frame. You can specify a student name as well.
Student Exceptions - This report will display a list of students who are missing a gender, address, degree, or cohort from their profile.
Clinical Rotation Student Checklist - This report will display students' rotational compliance status. You can choose to enter a specific Rotation or Request ID, or run a more general search using the parameter options on the page.
Influenza Report - This report is used to find students/instructors who have not uploaded an up-to-date flu vaccine.
Student Compliance Report - This report pulls all students along with the details of their rotation.  The compliance requirements (checklist, documents, modules, exams) are listed across the top with the current status of each item for each student.
Instructor Report - There are two viewing options under this report:
List View – Displays the instructors, their contact information, and their payment status for their mCE account
Compliance View – Similar to the “Student Compliance Report”, this report shows each instructor, their compliance requirements for their rotations, and their status on each requirement.