Approving Student Edits
If your student has submitted their checklist for approval, you will see an Alert like the one below when on your Homepage. Click on the red text to be taken to the Review Queue page. 
Note: You can turn on the "Student Checklist Submit for Approval" auto-email to receive an email notification whenever your students submit their checklist to you. This will allow you to be notified of the Alert without having to constantly log in to mCE.
When on the Review Queue page you will be able to see the Checklist Title, the Submitting Student's Name, the Date and Time of Submission, and any Comments left by the student upon submission. Clicking on the Checklist Title will take you to the review page.
The Review Page will look something like the image below. Each of the columns has been defined in the table beneath the image.
Old Value
Submitted Value
Submitted Doc.
Allows you to select one or more submitted items to approve or deny. Items without a checkmark have not been submitted for approval.
Provides the name of the compliance item, a description, and a red flag if the item is currently non-compliant.
The value and documentation that is currently being shared to assigned Hospital checklists.
The date or text value that your student submitted for you to review. Blank boxes have not been submitted for approval.
The document that your student has submitted for you to review. Blank boxes have no document submitted for approval.
Any comment that you or the student added to the item. Any comments will be shared with the hospital if the item is approved.
Indicates if you have previously denied a compliance item.
Note: Denied items will not disappear, meaning you can still approve them if you didn't mean to deny it originally.
Each item that has been submitted requires a decision. Begin by checking the Value and, if applicable, the Document (clicking on the document name will allow you to download and view the file). Once you're ready to make your decision, Check Off the box on the far-left column.
Once you're ready to make a decision, you can choose to either Approve or Deny the item. Keep in mind that any choice you make will affect all Checked items.
Approving Items
If you choose to approve your student's items, the information in the "Submitted Value" and "Submitted Docs." columns will cascade to the "Old Value" column. Any information that previously existed will be overwritten.
Note: You can edit a value or upload a document on behalf of your student before approving - this is best used to correct students' "(Renewal Date)" items, which require the date of expiration and not the date of reception.
Denying Items
If you choose to deny your student's items, a "Denied" statement will appear in the "Status" column and the student will receive a notice that an item was returned to them for review.
Note: Whenever you decline an item, please be sure to leave a statement in the "Reviewer Comments" section explaining why the item was denied. This statement will be included in the notice that their item was returned.
Once you have made a decision for all items on the student's checklist, click the Close button to be taken back to the Review Queue page.
If you have successfully approved and declined all items on the student's checklist, their checklist and name will no longer display on the Review Queue page.
Note: If you select Close and their checklist still displays on this page, you will need to go back in and locate the items that you have not made a decision for yet. Students cannot continue updating their checklist until their name has vanished from this page.