Basic Tools
These six tools are the Home button, the Search function, the Alerts icon, the Help icon, the Settings icon, and the Logout button. They can be located in the upper-right hand corner of every page in mCE.
The Home button will return you to the Home page you initially see when logging in to mCE. The Home page contains all of the requests that still require action from you, and is an important tool for Placing Requests, Scheduling Students, and Approving Student Compliance.
The Search function will take you to one of two pages, depeding on which option you select from the drop-down.
Selecting Student will redirect you to the below page. The Student Search Page section will discuss the parameters and functions of this page.
Selecting Instructor will redirect you to the below page. The Instructor Search Page section will discuss how to utilize this page.
Note: This release of the help page does not include information on this topic.
The Alerts icon will open a pop-up window displaying any messages your affiliated Hospitals may have put out.
Note: The number on this icon indicates the number of active alerts put out by the hospitals. This number will not change after reviewing them, but will instead increase as messages are added and decrease as they expire.
The Help icon will redirect you to this Help Section.
The Settings icon will redirect you to your mCE account settings page. This page will allow you to update your profile, set your email preferences, change your password, and set your security questions. The Account Settings section will discuss each of these topics in depth.
The Logout button will log you off of the site. In order to protect the sensitive data stored in mCE, we strongly recommend that you log out of your account when you leave your computer, regardless of how much or how little time you will be absent.