This section of the help file details how to build a rotation, schedule students against it, and assign units to the scheduled students. Every rotation you build will follow this general process.
Building the Rotation
To begin building the rotation, your Slots will need to have already been approved by the Hospital. Once Approved, you will be able to locate them under the default Search Parameters on your home page.
Click the box to the left of at least one slot you want to schedule into the rotation, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the yellow Schedule Students button.
Note: If you attempt to use the Schedule Students button on Slots from different Hospitals, the site will inform you that you must select slots from a single location.
You will be taken to the Build Rotation page. The slot or slots you selected will appear in the Selected Slots box at the right side of the screen. If you want to add more slots to the rotation, you can fill out the Seach Slots box or run a blank search to pull up any slots that meet the set criteria. Note that the "Organization" parameter will be automatically filled in.
If you do decide to add more slots, the results of your search will appear in the Slot Search Result box on the left side. Check the box off and click the Add Slots button to add them to the rotation. You can also remove slots from a the Selected Slots section by clicking on the Trash Can at the far left of the slot title.
Once all of the slots you want associated to the rotation are listed under the Selected Slots area, click the yellow Continue to schedule students button.
Scheduling Students
To begin scheduling students, you will first have to run a search. You can fill out as many or as few criteria as you desire, but note that the University and Student Program criteria will fill in automatically.
The results of your search will appear in the Student Search Result box on the left. Checkmark any students you want to attend the rotation, then click the yellow Add students button.
The selected students will appear in the Selected Students box on the right to indicate they have been scheduled. Once all students you want on this rotation are assigned, click the yellow Continue to plan units button.
Assigning Units
The students you have assigned to the rotation will appear under the Student column on the left side of the screen. You can also add additional rotationial information into the Student Group Info. section, but this is not required.
To assign Students to their respective Units, click on the blank box associated to their name. The list of available unit slots for that day will appear in a drop-down.
Each slot you have requested can only host one student. Once a slot is assigned, it will disappear from the available options for your other students.
Repeat this process for each day of the rotation, until you have finished scheduling your students to each of the available slots for the rotation.
Note: You can only schedule a student if there are available slots: If there are more students per day than slots, you will not be able to schedule every student every day (as shown above).
Once your students are fully scheduled, click the yellow Finalize Schedule button to indicate you have finished building the rotation. If you know you will need to return to continue editing, you can also use the Save as draft button.
Note: Students will not receive rotation information if you use the Save as draft function - they will only receive the compliance requirements after the request is finalized.
You will receive a message similar to the one below.
After you have finished scheduling the rotation, you will be returned to the homepage. The slots will now display the student's names, and be assigned a unique Rotation Number that classifies the slots as a group and can be used to locate the rotation on the Rotation Manager.
Note: If you click on the Rotation Number from the homepage, you will be returned to the Build Rotation page and will be able to edit any information. This works for both Draft and Finalized rotations up until the last day of the rotation, at which point in time the rotation information will lock for record-keeping purposes.
Once your rotation has been finalized, you're all set to move on to the Universal Workflow and ensuring your students' compliance.