Conflict Resolution
This section of the help file will discuss how to identify and resolve slot conflicts with your fellow schools. This step is technically optional, but most Hospitals will not accept your slot requests until after any conflicts have been resolved. Additionally, neither you nor the school you are in conflict with will be able to use that slot until the conflict has been resolved.
Once you have placed the request for your slots, you will need to keep track of them to make sure they do not conflict with other requests. There are two steps to effectively managing conflicts: First, you will use the Consortium Calendar to determine what slots have conflicts. Second, once you've identified the conflicting slots you will need to contact the other school and, after an agreement is reached, release the appropriate slots.
Consortium Calendar
To access the Consortium Calendar, select the Administration dropdown at the top of your screen and click on the Consortium Calendar submenu.
You will be taken to a page that looks similar to the one below. You can enter any parameters you like into the Search Criteria section before selecting the yellow Search button.
Note: The Criteria defaults to all slots occurring the present day or later.
After clicking Search, the right-side of the page will fill in with all slots you have requested that meet the provided criteria. There are two slot displays on this page: If the Slot ID is black and your campus is the only one displaying, then the slot is uncontested. If, however, the Slot ID is red and a second campus is listed, then there is a conflict that will need to be handled.
To handle a conflict, begin by clicking on the blue-text name of the other University.
A pop-up window will appear displaying the primary contact's information for the other campus. This will always include an email address, but may also include a phone number.
Once you have the primary contact's information, you will need to reach out to them to begin discussing which schools will keep which slots. Once this is done, you are ready to begin the process of Releasing Slots.
Releasing Slots
Once you have finished discussions with the school(s) whose slot requests conflict with yours, you will need to release any slots the other school(s) will be keeping. To do this, update your homepage Search Parameters to display "Pending Approval Slots". If you are unfamiliar with this process, please refer to the Slot-Based Homepage section of the help file.
Once your homepage is displaying the Pending slots, locate each slot that you have agreed to release. Check each slot's box in the far-left column to mark it for a decision.
Once you have checked off all the applicable slots, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the yellow Release Selected Slot(s) button.
The below pop-up window will appear to confirm your decision. Click "OK" to permenantly release the slots.
Note: Once slots are released, you cannot request them again. Make absolutely certain that the slots you are releasing are the correct ones before selecting "OK".
You will be taken back to the Pending Slots view. All slots you have released will have disappeared from this page.
Note: When you have finished, make sure to double check the Consortium Calendar to make sure there are no other conflicts.
Once all conflicts have been resolved, the Hospital will approve your requests and you will be all set to get your students registered.