Navigating mCE
This section covers the universal navigating tools within myClinicalExchange. These are tools that will be displayed on most pages in the site, and can be used to navigate to other pages at any point.
These tools are located on the blue banner at the top of each page and can be separated into Basic Tools, which provide general navigation, and Advanced Tools, which are used to adjust your school's setup or pull reports.
If you use mCE as an Instructor (I.E. storing your compliance data to attend on-site rotations with your students), you will also see a Unique Tool that houses the links to the Instructor functions.
Many of the items in the below tables can be clicked on to be redirected to that item's pages. Clicking on the Menu items will take you to a general general description page with access to each of the submenus. Clicking on submenu items will take you directly to that item's help page.
These are tools that provide navigation to the more frequently accessed portions of the site.
Note: The only menu item with its own help page is Settings - the rest are covered on the Basic Tools page.
Note: Selecting Student Search or Instructor Search under the Search Function section will redirect you to the appropriate help page.
Home Page
Search Function
Help File
Returns the user to the Home Page
Accesses the Student Search or Instructor Search page
Displays alerts sent out by affiliated hospitals
Redirects the user to the Help File page
Takes the user to their Account Settings page
Logs the user out of their mCE account.
Excepting the Rotation menu, these are tools that most Coordinators will not use often if at all. The Administration menu can be used to alter aspects of your program, while the Reports menu will allow you to pull and export various report types.
Note: Depending on your setup, you may not have all of the listed submenus in the Administration and Reports section.
Assessment Rating
Course Catalog
Pending Checklist
Clinical Contracts
Rubrics Director
Clinical Rotations
Consortium Calendar
Clinical Requests
Student Exception(s)
Clinical Rotation Student Checklist
Influenza Report
Student Compliance Report
Instructor Report
Note: This release of the help page does not include information on the Administration and Reports menu.
Unique Tool: My Views
If your account is set up as both a Coordinator and an Instructor account, you will have a fourth advanced tool called "My Views". This drop-down specifically provides access to the Instructor functions of your account. Selecting the My Views text in the table will take you to an overview of the menu, and selecting any of the submenus will take you to that specific section's help page.
My Views
My Rotation Students
My Rotations
My Compliance
My Orientation
My Exams
Make Payment
Note: This release of the help page does not include information on this topic.