New Request
This section of the help file will detail the required steps for submitting a request, as well as a few unique things you may see when submitting your requests. This version of the Help Page does not cover the optional information that can be filled out on the New Request page.
Click on the yellow New Request button from your Home Page.
If a pop-up window like the one below appears, you will need to select the Organization and Organization Program. If you do not see this window, skip to Step 3.
Select an Organization from the dropdown, then the program. Available programs are determined by the Organization in question.
Once you've selected your Organization and Program, click the yellow Continue button.
You will be redirected to a screen that looks similar to the one below. If you received the pop-up window from Step 2, the Org name and program will already be filled in on this screen. If you did not, you will need to select an Organization from the drop-down at the top before moving to Step 4.
There are two primary sections to the New Request page - the Academic Section and the Hospital Section. Both of these will require certain information to be filled in before you can submit the request.
The Academic Section provides student information and contact details for the Hospital.
There are two required sections for this section: The Student Program and the Oversight User.
Student Details
To select a student program, click on the drop-down and select from the options you have available.
Note: This section will list programs alphabetically by default.
Note: Your Student's program does not have to be an exact match for the Hospital program.
Once you have selected your Student's Program, you need to fill in at least one of the sections under the Oversight section.
These four options have been defined in the table below.
Course Instructor
The Academic staff member who is in charge of teaching the actual course on-campus.
Clinical Instructor
The Academic staff member who attends rotations with the students and stays with them for the duration. They may be expected to complete compliance requirements in mCE.
Clinical Coordinator
The Academic individual responsible for requesting, scheduling, and ensuring student compliance for the rotation (you).
A Hospital staff member who will oversee the student's rotation.
Note: Preceptor/Staff will usually be filled in by the Hospital unless they specifically state otherwise.
To assign an individual to the Oversight section, click on the yellow button of the blue man and mangifying glass.
This will open a pop-up window like the one below. Select the User you wish to associate to the Rotation, then click the "Associate..." button at the bottom of the window.
Note: Regardless of your experience level, please contact our support team ( if you cannot locate the Oversight user you are looking for. They will be able to assist you with the Create New Oversight User function.
The name of the assigned staff member will appear in the appropriate Oversight box.
Once the Student Program and at least one Oversight user is added, you can move on to the Hospital Section. All other items are optional.
The Hospital Section requires the actual details for the Rotation that you are requesting.
If you received the pop-up window from Step 2, the Program will already be filled out. If not, you will need to select the appropriate program from the drop-down.
Once your program is selected, you will need to provide the basic Rotation Information. Each section has been defined below.
The number of student spots for the clinical group.
The general period in which the rotation will take place.
The days within the provided date range that the clinical group is available to attend rotations.
Shift Hours
The number of hours per day each student is available/expected to attend on rotation days.
The general timeframe the students should be rotating during (Ex. Day, Night, Flexible).
Total Hours/Student
The number of hours each individual student is expected to complete by the time the rotation period is over.
If you know the specific dates your students will attend, or the schedule varies from week to week, you can also use the Custom dates button to open a calendar pop-up.
This option will allow you to select specific dates, and will override the Dates and Days section.
As with the Academic Section, once the marked items are filled in, all other items are optional.
Once you've finished filling in all the required information for the request, you can add any additional information the hospital might want in the Comments section.
Once you've filled out any final details, click the Submit for Approval button in the bottom-right of the page.
Note: If you still have information to add, or need to clarify certain details, you can use the Save as Draft button to come back and finish the request later. Note that any unfinished Required item will need a placeholder in its field to use this function.
After Saving or Submitting the request, a pop-up similar to the one below will appear in the center of the page.
This pop-up will provide the Request's unique Request Number, which can be used to locate this request on the Traditional Homepage. Make sure to write this number down so you can easily track the progress of your request!
Select the Home button to return to your homepage, which will now display your request alongside any other requests placed.
At this point, the Hospital has received your request for review. Once the request is Approved, it will be time to make sure your students have been registered in mCE.