Password & Recovery
This section discusses how to change your password from the account settings page and how to set up your security questions in case you lose your password.
Changing your Password
To change your password, start by clicking on the Change Password tab.
On the tab below, enter your Current Password into the first box and your New Password into the second and third boxes. New passwords must be a minimum of six characters long and must include at least one upper and lower case letter, one number, and one special character.
Note: mCE may fail to recognize certain special characters. In order to ensure functionality, it is recommended you use characters associated with the numbers 1 through 5 (!, @, #, $, and %).
Once you've entered your current and new passwords, click the yellow Reset Password button. If your information was entered correctly, the site will save your changes and you will be taken back to the top of the Account Settings page.
Updating Password Recovery
To update your password recovery settings, begin by clicking on the Security Questionnaire tab.
On the tab below, begin by selecting your Security Question from the drop-down list. Once your question is set, type in an Answer. You can set up to 3 Question/Answer combinations.
Once you are satisfied with your security questions and answers, click the yellow Save button. The site will save your information, and you will be taken back to the top of the Account Settings page.