Rotation Documents
The Rotation Documents tab displays all the Hospital-assigned documents that your student is expected to read before their rotation. Once they have read a document, the student may be expected to electronically consent to it or to upload a signed copy against the item.
As a Coordinator, your primary reason for viewing this page will be to ensure your student has uploaded or consented to all the required documents, or to view what items they are missing. Unlike the Compliance Tab, you will not need to approve the documents that are uploaded to the Documents Tab.
The three columns have been defined in the table below.
Clinical Rotation Related Documents
Electronic Consent
Supporting Documents
Displays the title of the assigned document. Clicking on the document title will allow you to download and view it.
Indicates whether the student has electronically consented to the document or not. Only items with the "Consent Required" text need the student's electronic consent.
Note: You cannot consent to documents on the student's behalf.
Displays the signed documents your students have uploaded against the item. Only items with the "Add Document" button require a document to be uploaded. Clicking the name of an uploaded document will allow you to download and view it.
Note: If your student cannot scan or upload the document themselves, you can upload documents on their behalf by following the Instructions at the top of this tab.
Note: Some documents may be read-only. Your students are expected to download and read these, but do not have to provide consent or an upload to be compliant.