Rotation Modules
The Rotation Modules tab displays all Hospital-assigned modules the student is expected to complete. Once the module is complete, the system will automatically update the module's compliance status.
The four columns have been defined in the table below.
Valid Till
Completed On
Displays the title of the module. Clicking on the title will allow you to open and review the module.
Note: Reviewing the module does not mark it compliant. The student must review the module themselves before it is considered completed.
This column will display the expiration date of the module at the time of the rotation, after which it will no longer be considered compliant. It will be blank if the student has not finished the module yet.
Note: If the module does not have an expiration date, this column will remain empty after the module is completed.
This column will display the date the student completed the module at the time of the rotation. It will be blank if the student has not finished the module yet.
If the Hospital chooses to waive the student's module(s), the date and time of the waiver will be displayed in this column.
Note: If the rotation is upcoming/ongoing, a yellow "Waive" button will show in this column. Do not click this unless the Hospital asks you to waive the student on their behalf.
Note: If the module is still valid at the start of the rotation, the student will be compliant for the rotation. Students only need to re-take exams if the exam starts after the "Valid Till" date.
Note: If the student completes the module again before the expiration date has passed, the "Valid Till" and "Completed On" columns for any upcoming/ongoing rotations will update to reflect the most recent date of completion.
Recognizing Non-Compliance
Modules marked with a red flag are not compliant with Hospital standards. Your student will need to complete/re-complete these modules before the start of their rotation.