Scheduling Students
Once your request has been approved and your students have been registered and paid for, you are all set to schedule your students to the rotation. This release of the help file only discusses how to schedule students to the rotation, though future releases will include a section on scheduling Instructors as well.
To beging the Scheduling Students process, first locate the Request ID Number on your homepage. If the request has been approved, the Status column will show "Approved", the A/R column will display how many spots are approved vs. how many were requested, and the Schld column will display how many students have already been assigned to the rotation. To begin scheduling students, click on the blue number in the Schld column.
The Schedule Students pop-up window will open. There are two sections to this window: The Rotation Information section, wherein any updated information the Hospital added will be displayed as well as any Approval Comments, and the Scheduling section. When you open this page for the first time, the Scheduling section will be empty.
In the Scheduling section, set the Search Criteria for your student. You can leave this area blank to view all the students under your program(s), or enter some parameters. It is advised that you only set one or two parameters when searching for your student(s), in order to avoid an empty search results page. Once you have your parameters set, click the yellow Search button.
On the results page, locate the students you want to schedule to the rotation and click on the Checkbox next to their name. Once you've selected all the students you want to assign, click Schedule Students.
The student's name(s) will populate to the Students box. They will be assigned the rotation requirements at this time, and the website will send an automatic email to the students informing them that they have been scheduled to a rotation and must log in to begin completing said requirements. Click the Close button to exit the pop-up window.
Note: Once the students are scheduled, you can click on the Red Thumbs-Down to view the Rotation Compliance Items.
Note: Even though the site sends your students an auto-email, you may still wish to send them an email yourself to ensure that they are properly updated to the situation.
When the Schedule Students window is closed, you will return to the Homepage. If the rotation still has open spots to be filled, the request will now reflect the number of assigned students in the Schld column. You can click on this number to return to the Schedule Students window and continue adding students.
Note: Once a rotation is fully scheduled, it will appear to disappear. You can locate it again by using the Quick Search function, or by setting your Search Parameters to display "Approved" requests.
Once your students are fully scheduled, it is time to begin working on their Student Compliance. You can go directly to this section by clicking the "Next Section" arrow. Alternatively, if you wish to review the Slot-Based Workflow, you can click the button below.