Search Parameters (Slots)
This section of the help file will discuss how to open and use the different Search Parameters to change what requests you can view on the Slot-Based Homepage.
The Search Parameters window is exceptionally useful for locating slots belonging to a single hospital so that you can schedule a rotation, but is also useful for locating slots you wish to release, locating rotations that are scheduled but not finalized, and many other slot situations that require attention.
To open the Search Parameters window, begin by clicking on the Sandwich Icon in the upper-left part of the page.
The Search Parameters will open on the left-side of the page.  Each of these Parameters has been defined to the right of the table.
Slot ID
Allows you to specify a all or part of a Slot ID to view applicable slots
Specifies the hospital Organizations to show slots for.
Specifies which hospital Programs to show slots for.
Specifies the hospital Units the slots are a part of.
Specifies which shift type to search for slots under.
Student Program
Specifies which student program to filter by. Setting this criteria will result in unscheduled slots not being displayed.
Student Cohort
Specifies which student cohort to filter by. Setting this criteria will result in unscheduled slots not being displayed.
Determines the time period within which the slots in the search results fall.
Specifies which days of the week to search for slots.
Allows you to specify the Slot status. Defaults to "Approved(Active)", but you can also select "Pending Approval", "Denied", "My Slots", "Scheduled(Not Finalized)", and a series of "Approved" subsets ("Not Used", "No Instructor", and "No Student").
Once you've set your search parameters, click on the yellow "Search" button to refresh the home page with the new criteria.
Note: The site will save your search parameters for the duration of your login. To pull up the default parameters, you will need to reset the search menu, or will have to log out and back in.