Search Parameters (Traditional)
This section of the help file will discuss how to open and use the different Search Parameters to change what requests you can view on the Traditional Homepage.
To open the Search Parameters window, begin by clicking on the Sandwich Icon in the upper-left part of the page.
The Search Parameters will open on the left-side of the page.  Each of these Parameters has been defined to the right of the table.
Rotation Period
You can change both the start and end date to specify the time-frame within which the rotation will take or took place. Shows requests for rotations starting that day or later by default.
Specifies which hospital organization(s) to display requests for.
Student Program
Specifies which student program(s) to display requests for.
Specifies the student cohort(s) to display requests for (if applicable).
Requested Program
Specifies the hospital program(s) to display requests.
Requested Department
Specifies the hospital department(s) to display requests for.
Specifies the student degree(s) to display requests for (if applicable).
Requested Unit
Specifies the hospital unit to display requests for.
You can enter an Instructor's name (last name, first name) to find all requests that Instructor is associated with.
Req. Student
You can enter a student's name (last name, first name) to find any request that you entered the student's name during the New Request (Traditional) process.
Specifies the student course(s) to display requests for (if applicable).
You can set what status the displayed requests will have. The site defaults to "Pending", but other status options are "Approved", "Denied", "Incomplete", "Cancelled", and "All". Options may also include "Submitted to Consortium".
Note: You may only select one status type per search.
Note: "Pending" requests include Approved requests that still have available spots.
Once you've set your search parameters, click on the yellow "Search" button to refresh the home page with the new criteria.
Note: While you can see some approved requests under "Pending", you will need to search "Approved" status to see requests that are fully scheduled. This is useful for adding/removing Instructors or removing students after the rotation is fully scheduled.