Slot-Based Homepage
This section of the help file will discuss how to read the Request Information area and the additional functions of certain columns, how to use the Quick-Search function, the use of the Export function, and will briefly touch on how to access the Search Parameters (Slot-Based), Requesting Slots, and Building a Rotation areas of the site.
If you are using a Slot-Based Setup, then the page you arrive on will look something like the one below. If this page is not familiar to you, or you are uncertain what your request is, please see the Homepage: Identifying my Setup section.
There are three sections to this page: The Navigation Functions, the Slot Details, and the Scheduling Functions.
Navigation Functions
 The first section, at the top, is the Navigation Functions portion of the page.
On the left of this section are the Sandwich Icon and the  Slot ID Search tools. On the right is the Request New Slots and Export functions.
Sandwich Icon
This button can be pressed to open up the Search Parameters (Slots) pop-out window, which allows you to change what your Homepage displays. The default parameters will only display requests that still require further action.
Slot ID Search
Typing a Slot's unique ID Number into this box and clicking the magnifying glass icon will cause the site to override all other search parameters and pull up that specific slot.
Request New Slots
This will take you to the Requesting Slots page. This page will be further detailed in the Rotation Workflow section of the help file.
Clicking this button will allow you to convert and save all of the currently displayed information on your Homepage as an Excel file. You may wish to use this function to save a copy to your hard drive or print a physical copy.
Slot Details
The middle section of the page is the Request Details area. This area has 14 information columns, which are organized by the date of the slot.
Note: Columns with an arrow in the orange row can be clicked to organize your slots in ascending or descending order of that item.
Each of the 14 columns has been briefly defined below. Blue-text columns are clickable will have more details later in this section.
Slot ID
Allows you to select one or more slots to release, schedule students against, or assign instructors to. The box in the orange bar can be selected to check displayed boxes.
Designates an individual slot's unique ID number.
Denotes the calendar date that the rotaion slot will take place on.
Denotes the day of the week that the rotation slot will take place on.
Denotes the shift-type that the slot will occur on. This may be vague (I.E."Day") or specific (I.E. "7am-7pm").
Lists the Hospital organization's name.
Lists the specific Hospital program the slot is designated for.
Student Program
Student Cohort
Rotation #
Denotes the hospital unit the rotation slot will take place under.
States the student's school Program they are enrolled under.
Designates the student's school Cohort they are a part of.
Displays the name of the student assigned to this particular slot.
Displays the name of the Instructor assigned to this particular slot (if applicable).
Displays the Rotation Number that the slot is a part of. All slots affiliated with this rotation will display the same Rotation Number.
Designates the slot's current status. The Status column may show "Approved", "Pending", or "Denied".
Clicking on the Unit name will open a window that will display the unit manager's contact information, if applicable.
Clicking the assigned student's name will pull up their full name, registered email address, and any provided Emergency Contact information. You can also click the red trash can next to their name to unassign them from the slot.
Clicking an assigned Instructor's name will provide their basice contact information. You can also click the red trash can next to their name to unassign them from the slot.
Rotation #
After you have combined slots into a single rotation, you can click on the resulting Rotation Number to view all student's assigned to the rotation and what dates, units, and Slot IDs they are assigned to. You can Export this list into an Excel file, if you desire, or use the Modify Schedule button to make further edits to the rotation.
Scheduling Functions
The third and final section of the page are the scheduling functions. These three buttons are used to finalize any  decisions with your slots.
Note: The Schedule Students and Associate Instructors functions can only be used after the Hospital has approved your requested slots.
Release selected slot(s)
If, during Conflict Management, another school has priority on slots or you agree to release certain slots in exchange for others, you would then use this button to release the slots for other schools to use. It can also be used to mass-unnassign students from slots - if used this way, it will not release the slots unless the button is pressed a second time.
Note: You cannot make a second request for slots once they have been released.
Note: Be careful when using this button to unassign students - if you accidentally click an unscheduled slot, you will release that slot instead of unassigning a student from it.
Schedule Students
Once you have checked off one or more slots, you can click this button to begin Building Rotations. This process will be discussed in more detail under the Slot-Based Workflow section of the help page.
Associate Instructors
After checking off one or more slots, you can click this button to open the Accompanying Instructor pop-up window. If you cannot locate the Instructor you want to assign using the Search function, you can use the Create Instructor button to either create a new account for the Instructor, or assign an Instructor that is not yet associated with your campus.
Note: It is strongly suggested you contact the mCE Support team (mCEsupport@healthstream.com) before using the Create Instructor function in order to avoid accidentally creating duplicate accounts.
Note: Instructors are assigned to individual slots, not the rotation, so you can schedule multiple Instructors to the same rotation.