Slot-Based Workflow
The Slot-Based Workflow can be broken down into four primary sections: The Request Process, Conflict Resolution, the Scheduling Process, and the Compliance Process.
Request Process
Once the Hospital has published their available slots, you will have the opportunity to review and request the slot dates and times that suit your students' needs.
Conflict Resolution
After you have requested slots, you will be able to see if other schools have requested any of the same slots. If they have, you will collaborate with them to determine who keeps which slots and the Hospital will approve final slot selections.
Scheduling Process
When all conflicts are resolved and the Hospital has provided final approval for the requested slots, it's time to get your students' accounts built and schedule the slots into cohesive rotations.
Compliance Process
Once your rotations are scheduled and your students are assigned, the students will receive the Hospital compliance information they are expected to complete prior to the start of the rotation.
The next few pages will cover the required aspects of the Slot-Based Workflow, but if you need something specific you can click one of the buttons below to go straight to that help section!
Note: The required items for the Compliance Process will be detailed under the Universal Workflow section.