Student Clinical Tab
The Clinical tab is the default tab on the Student Profile page. This area lists all the rotations that your student has been assigned to in descending chronological order, and is primarily useful for reviewing your student's rotation history. 
Each column is generally defined below. Columns with additional functions are discussed in more detail below the table.
Thumb Icon
Red thumb indicates the student is noncompliant, green thumb indicates compliance
Indicates start and end of rotation, displays noncompliance indicators
Hospital employed observer's name
Clinical Scholar's name
Name of facility rotated at
Hospital Program rotation is assigned under
Hospital Department rotation is assigned under
Shift Hours
Rotation Days
Hospital Unit rotation is assigned under
Attended hours vs. required hours for the rotation
Instructor/Preceptor assessments turned in vs. assigned
Student surveys turned in vs. assigned
General rotation shift period
Hours per rotation shift
Shows the  days the Hospital has approved for the rotation when clicked
Thumb Icon
The thumb icon column will display either a red thumbs down or a green thumbs up. The thumb can be clicked to view the hospital's Rotation Compliance Items.
The red thumbs down indicates that a student did not or has not completed one of their Hospital-assigned compliance sections for the rotation.
The green thumbs up indicates that the student was or is fully compliant for the rotation.
Clicking on the blue date range will take you to the Rotation Details page.
The icons displayed beneath the date range indicate which section of the Rotation Compliance Items is not yet completed. If this area is empty, the student is/was fully compliant for the rotation.
- The exclamation point indicates that the student is/was missing a value or document for the Rotation Compliance Checklist, or that an item will be out of compliance by the end of the rotation.
Note: You may see this icon and a green thumbs up if an item expires partway through the rotation. The student will need to renew the item before its expiration in order to stay compliant.
- The slashed-out "D" icon indicates that a document still needs/needed to be uploaded in the Rotation Documents compliance section.
- The slashed out "C" icon indicates that the student has a document that is/was not consented to in the Rotation Documents compliance section.
- The compass icon indicates that the student still has/had a module to complete in the Rotation Modules compliance section.
- The A+ icon indicates that the student still has/had an exam to complete in the Rotation Exams compliance section
Clicking on the text under the Facility dropdown will open a small pop-up window with the name and address of the hospital location that the rotation was assigned at.
Clicking the blue text under the facility dropdown will take you to the Student Attendance page. This page can also be accessed from the Rotation Manager.
Note: For more information on how to use this function, please see the Student Attendance help page.
Rotation Days
Selecting the blue elipses (...) under the Rotation Days column will open a pop-up window of a calendar. The dates that the Hospital approved the student to rotate on will be highlighted in brown.
Note: The highlighted dates indicate the days that the Hospital approved the student to rotate, but does not indicate which specific days the student rotated/will rotate on.