Student Compliance
There are four methods to updating student compliance: Approve Student Editing, Direct Editing, Attestation, and Third-Party Sync.
Approve Student Editing
This is our "default" setting in mCE. Using this process, the student will enter their information and supporting documents into their checklist themselves before submitting it to you for approval. At this point, you will need to review their checklist and either approve or decline each of the submitted items.
Under this method, you are the "gatekeeper" for your students' compliance information. If you approve an item, the information will then be shared with the Hospital. If you decline it, however, the information will be returned to the student for review and the Hospital will never see it.
For more information on how the approval process works, please refer to the following section on  Approving Student Edits.
Direct Editing
If you prefer to update your students' information and documentation on their behalf, you have every ability to do so! As a Coordinator, you have full administrative access to your student's accounts - this means that you can enter information and supporting documents into their checklist, and it will be automatically shared with the Hospital.
If you are going to be using the Direct Editing method, it is strongly suggested that you update the student's Master Checklist (also called the Campus Checklist). Note that this checklist can only be accessed from your student's profile: If you are unsure of how to reach their profile, please see to the Student Search Page section and its sub-sections for further information. 
If you are familiar with locating the Master Checklist but are not sure of how to update it, please refer to the Updating Checklists section of this help file.
The Attestation method allows you to verify that a student is compliant by "signing off" their checklist. Most hospitals do not allow for attestation, but those that do will not require any documents or dates to be uploaded to the Compliance Checklist once you have provided said verification for your student. The Documents, Modules, and Exams tabs will still need to be completed by the student in order to meet compliance.
Depending on if you are using the Traditional or the Slot-Based Workflow, there are either one or two methods of attesting to your students. Please refer to the Attestation section of this help file for more information.
Third-Party Sync
If your students store their compliance information in a third-party vendor, we can look into setting up a link between their site and mCE. Please email your contact at whichever company you want to link to mCE, and we will work on getting a "bridge" set up!