Student Search Page
This section discusses how to use the Student Search Page. Step 4 discusses the five different functions you can utilize after successfully locating the student or students you are looking for.
To begin the search process, click the Search icon in the upper right corner of the page.
Select the Student option from the drop-down menu.
You will be redirected to the page shown below. There are nine search parameters, which have been defined in the table beneath the image.
Your University name (this field automatically fills)
Academic program (defaults to all available choices)
Clinical Group
Student's clinical group (defaults to all available choices)
Student's Personal ID number
First Name
Part or all of a student's first name
Last Name
Part or all of a student's last name
Student's degree (defaults to all available choices)
Student's cohort  (defaults to all available choices)
Active Only
Limits search to students with currently active accounts when checked: uncheck to view all students who have ever had an account.
Note: You can run a default search to view all active students in your program(s). If a student is missing from the list, they may still need to register or may have registered
under the wrong school/program. If you aren't sure which it is, feel free to contact our support team at mCEsupport@healthstream.com to have them check for you.
Note: We recommend only setting 1-2 parameters when running a search. Most student accounts will not be fully filled out, so being too specific in your search may result
in being unable to locate the student(s) you're looking for.
After initiating a search, the Search Results screen will resemble the below example. There will be 12 columns, which have been defined below the image.
Select Student
Anticipated Completion Term?
Pymnt. Expires In
Pymnt. Expiry Date
Select box in orange to select all students, box by name to select individual students
Student name (Last, First)
Student physical address
Student email address
Student phone number
Academic Program student is persuing
Degree level student is persuing
Student cohort name
Expected date of graduation
Displays remaining days in subscription (Not displayed for demo accounts), marks Unpaid Accounts
Date mCE subscription expires (Not displayed for demo accounts)
Indicates if student account is active.
Note: You can click the arrows next to each item to organize them based on that column's information. By default, results are organized by students' last name.
Note: You can enter text in the empty boxes at the top of certain columns to further filter down search results on the page without having to run a new search.
Once you have locate the student(s) you are looking for, you can interact with the student(s) accounts. There are a few things you can do from the Student Search Page.
Under most circumstances, you will click on your student's name to review their Student Profile page. More information on this is discussed in the next section.
You can also use one of the four functions found at the bottom of the page.
Note: Email Student, Mark Selected Students Inactive, and Set Clinical Groups will require you to check off at least one student
Selecting the Email Student option will open a pop-up window like the one displayed below. The selected students' names and email will be displayed on the left side: These are the primary recepients of the email. You may CC any other email as well, but please note that CC'ed recepients will be unable to access any attachments, as the attachments are associated to the student's account and not to the email itself.
This function will pull an Excel report of all the student information displayed in your Search Results, in case you wish to download and save/print a copy of the information. This function will pull the full page of results, regardless of which students are selected, so if you are looking to decrease the list size you will need to narrow your search parameters.
This function allows you to inactivate all checked students' accounts. Inactivating students cause them to be removed from the results of most search functions, making it ideal for decluttering results (such as when scheduling students).
Note: Inactivating students does not prevent them from logging on or accessing their previously uploaded information, meaning you can remove large groups of students (i.e. graduating classes) without preventing them from retrieving their compliance documents.
This function allows you to assign checkmarked students to a specified clinical group. This is a subset of the Cohort groupings that allows you to dictate groups of students who will be going on rotations together throughout their education experience.