Traditional Workflow
The Traditional Workflow can be broken down into three primary sections: The Request Process, the Scheduling Process, and the Compliance Process.
Request Process
While the Pre-Confirm step is optional, the Traditional Workflow proper begins when you place a New Request to the Hospital for Approval.
Note: You can turn on the "New Request" option in your Auto-Emails to receive an email notice whenever a Hospital approves one of your requests. For more information on setting up your email preferences, please refer to the Account Settings section of this help file (located under Navigating mCE: Basic Tools).
Scheduling Process
If your request is approved by the Hospital, it is time to begin the Student Registration process. Once the student is in the system they'll be ready for Scheduling, which will provide the student all their rotation details and compliance items.
Compliance Process
Once your student has been scheduled to the rotation, they will receive all of their compliance information from the Hospital and will be expected to complete the items prior to the start of the rotation.
The next few pages will cover the required aspects of the Traditional Workflow, but if you need something specific you can click one of the buttons below to go straight to that help section!
Note: The required items for the Compliance Process will be detailed under the Universal Workflow section.