Universal Workflow
The Compliance Process is the same for both the Traditional and Slot-Based Workflows. There are two major sections to this process, which have been summarized below.
In this section of the workflow, the intent is to make sure that any compliance paperwork the Hospital requires from your student is uploaded to their checklist(s). You will use one of four methods to update your students' compliance, each of which will require a degree of your involvement. More information on each method will be provided in the Student Compliance section of the Help File.
Final Check
In this final section of the workflow, your role will be to keep tabs on the student compliance items that you do not directly interact with. This will be done through the Rotation Manager, a tool that will allow you to review all students and instructors that are assigned to current or upcoming rotations. More information on this will be provided in the Rotation Manager section of the Help File.
You can click on one of the two buttons below to be taken directly to that section, or use the "Next Section" arrow to access both pages in sequence.