Updating Checklists

This page details the process of updating your student's checklist on their behalf. There are two major aspects to updating a checklist: Updating Values and Comments, and Uploading Documents. Either can be completed first, but you must finish one aspect before moving on to the other. If are Updating Values and Comments, but do not complete the process before Uploading Documents, you will lose all the information you added to the Value and Comments columns.
To begin updating the student's information, begin by clicking on the blue Checklist title to open the Checklist Window.
Once this window is open, you can choose to update Values and Comments or to upload Documents first. Both processes are detailed below.
Updating Values and Comments
All items require a value to meet compliance. Comments are optional unless otherwise stated in the description, but may be added to provide additional information to the hospital.
Locate the item(s) you want to edit.
Click on the the Value column and enter the required information.
There are three Value types in mCE:
Standard Date Value
This value type usually requires the date the item was received/completed.
However, be sure to read the description. Some items may require the date the item was updated instead of the date it was received.
Renewal Date Value
This value type requires the date that the item will expire.
If a student's checklist is completely full but still non-compliant, be sure to review the Renewal Date items.
Text Value
This value type requires a free text of some kind.
Common examples are a series of numbers (see below) or a confirmation ("Yes" or "No").
Enter a comment if you desire, or if the item specifically requests information in the Comments column.
Once you have finished updating the Value and Comments for the student's item(s), click the Save Changes button in the bottom-right corner of the Compliance Window
Note: You must click Save Changes before uploading documents or closing the Compliance Window. Failure to do so will result in the updated information being lost.
Note: Old Values and Comments associated with the item will be overwritten by the new ones when you click Save Changes.
Uploading Documents
Any compliance item labeled with a "Missing supporting document" notice will require a document to be uploaded against it. Not all items will require documents.
Locate the item(s) you want to upload a document against.
Click the checkbox to the left of the Item's Name. If you are uploading the same document to multiple items, check the boxes next to all appropriate items.
Once you have checked the box(es) next to the item(s) you want to upload the document against, click the Associate Document button.
After clicking Associate Document, a computer browser will open. Locate the document in your computer's files, and double click on it. After a brief loading period, the file name will appear in the Supporting Docs. column. Once the document has loaded, the checkbox will disappear.
Note: You will want to click on the document name to make sure it was not corrupted during the upload.
Note: You do not have to click Save Changes after uploading a document unless you update Values and Comments after.
Final Notes
Once you have finished updating your students compliance information, be sure to review your work.
Item is still not compliant
Items marked with a red flag are non-compliant. If the item has both a date and a value, double-check to see if the item is a Renewal Date value, and if that date has already passed
Replacing documents
If you need to update the item's document, or accidentally uploaded the wrong one, you can remove the current document by clicking the red trash can. Once the document is removed, the checkbox will reappear and you will be able to upload a new document.
Closing the Compliance Window
When you're all finished reviewing and updating the Compliance Checklist, click the Close button at the bottom of the Compliance Window to be taken back to the Student Checklist Tab.