Rotation Workflows
The Rotation Workflow is the general guideline by which all rotations in mCE are requested, scheduled, and tracked. Depending on your Institution's setup you will initially follow either the Traditional Workflow or the Slot-Based Workflow for setting up rotations and scheduling your students. Once you are finished with the set-up and scheduling, you will move into the Universal Workflow to ensure your student's compliance.
If you utilize the Traditional setup, you will initiate the workflow by placing a request for a general period or a series of specified dates on your student's behalf for their clinical rotation. The request will then be reviewed by the Hospital and, if the details look acceptable to them, it will be approved and you will be able to schedule students against it.
Note: The "Pre-Confirm" step, wherein you or the student would confirm the rotation details prior to placing the request, is an optional step. Be sure to ask your affiliated Hospitals if they want you to Pre-Confirm before placing requests!
If you utilize the Slot-Based setup, the Hospital initiates the workflow by publishing their available slots. Once published, you can request the slots that suit your needs and handle any conflicts with other Universities. The Hospital will approve the slots they want you to have, and you will be all set to build a rotation from and schedule students to your slots.
The final two steps of both workflows follow the same process. The purpose of these steps is to make sure your student's compliance has been fully completed, and to track where they stand regarding the Documents, Modules, and Exams they must complete in order to be fully compliant. By the end of the workflow, your students should be fully compliant and ready to attend their rotation.
You can click on one of the three buttons below to be taken directly to that workflow's help section. If you have a joint setup (meaning that you use both the traditional and slot-based methods), please be sure to read through both pages at some point.
Additionally, if you would prefer a more interactive walkthrough of how the Rotation Workflow works, please reach out to our team (mCEsupport@healthstream.com) so that we can provide you with the information to attend one of our semi-weekly Academic Trainings.